Lee Berlin
918 DUI - Tulsa DUI Attorney
Tulsa Oklahoma's DUI Attorney Lee Berlin defends Tulsa. He has a reputation for practical, effective, common sense arguments and legal theories that are easily understood by both Judges and Juries.
Lee Berlin
601 S Boulder Ave #802
Tulsa OK 74119
Tel: 918 384-0850
Fax: 918 512-4213
E-mail: 918DUI@gmail.com
Tulsa DUI and Drug Attorney Lee Berlin
If you have been arrested or accused of a drug or alcohol crime in Tulsa, Tulsa County or anywhere in Oklahoma, you are probably frightened, confused, and concerned about your future.
Anyone who is arrested must REMAIN SILENT! This means DO NOT answer any questions asked by law enforcement. Simply and politely tell the officer, “I want a lawyer.†Invoke and use your RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT. Then at your first opportunity, contact Tulsa Criminal Defense Attorney Lee Berlin.
It is important to remember that law enforcement officers are trained to investigate crimes and gather evidence to build a case against you. In their search for evidence, rules are often bent or broken, statements are taken out of context, and rights are sometimes violated all in their pursuit of an arrest and conviction.
Whether you believe it or not, most people provide the very evidence needed to convict themselves to the police through confessions, statements, or other evidence. Although it is sometimes a good idea to cooperate with law enforcement, it must be done in a controlled setting with your Tulsa Criminal Defense Lawyer by your side.
Lee Berlin takes his responsibility as a Criminal Defense Lawyer very seriously, and is available to help you 7 days a week. Tulsa Criminal Defense Attorney Lee Berlin is all too aware of the massive amount of power and resources in the Oklahoma Criminal Justice system. The State of Oklahoma in its prosecution takes advantage of an extensive staff of lawyers, police and agents, sophisticated crime labs, experts, and a huge budget paid for by the taxpayers. This gives them a tremendous advantage. Tulsa Criminal Defense Attorney Lee Berlin levels the playing field and provides outstanding legal advice, representation, and results to his clients.
Tulsa Criminal Defense Attorney Lee Berlin understands and appreciates the importance of defending the rights of the accused, and uses all available means to ensure that his clients receive high caliber legal representation and access to justice. Tulsa Criminal Defense Attorney Lee Berlin’s clients come from every walk of life and need a Criminal Defense Lawyer that is experienced and effective.
Tulsa Criminal Defense Attorney Lee Berlin has earned an outstanding reputation in Oklahoma criminal law circles both as a Prosecutor and Criminal Defense Attorney through his hard work, experience, results, professionalism, and attention to detail.
Everyone deserves a vigorous defense by an attorney who knows the law, knows the courts, and truly cares about their client.
